Department Of ENT

Welcome to ENT Department

Faculty details and publications department of ENT click here
The ENT Department, SVRRGGH, has been rendering services to the people from
Rayalaseema and Nellore District with a single unit from the past 60years and the
department is having State-of -the art facilities to cater to the population for this
entire area.
At present, the department of ENT rendering the outpatient services to 150 - 170
patients per Day on working days and the inpatient services with a bed strength of
40 with a bed occupancy of 80-100% throughout the year.
The department is having well trained faculty and at present one Professor, two
Assocaite professors and three Assistant professors are working in the department
and is giving training to the postgraduates,At present there is intake of two
postgraduates every year and there is proposal for 8 PG seats.
The department has Audiological services with speech therapy facilities are
available.The SADERAM program is providing disability screening and issue of
disability certificates.
The operation theatre is equipped with state of the art facilities and all surgical
procedures in the area of ENT is being done. We are providing emergency services
in addition to routine surgical procedures.We are planning for Cochlear implant
surgeries in near future.We are planning to introduce skill lab facilities in temporal
bone dissection( TBD) and training the young and deserved ENT surgeons.


Photo Name Designation Teaching Experience Bio-data
course Dr.Srinivas Gouripeddi APMC NO: 36106 Associate professor Year's
course Dr. PSR Rajeswari APMC NO: 20746 Associate professor Year's
course Dr. G. Sreenivasul APMC NO: 56964 Assistant professor Year's
course Dr. BMS Kumar Naik APMC NO: 66889 Assistant professor Year's
course Dr. K . Chaitanya Babjee APMC NO: 55737 Assistant professor Year's


