Welcome to PLASTIC SURGERY Department


Department of Plastic surgery in Sri Venkateswara RammanoharRuia
Government General Hospital, Sri Venkateswara Medical College, Tirupati-started
in 1992 with a special resolution in Andhra Pradesh Assembly. To begin with,
there are three regular posts, one professor and two assistant professors and ten
beds. Dr. Surendra Babu, was the first qualified Plastic surgeon, reported here as
an Assistant Professor and established the department. He was here for three
months, and then went to Hyderabad. Then, Dr. Sivarami Reddy, was posted here
in place of Dr. Surendra Babu. However due to unknown reasons, he was returned
to Hyderabad within a month in the same year. Since that time, the Department
of Plastic Surgery went into dormant state -as no qualified person was joined in
the department. Though the posts were occupied by the non-qualified people,
however due to the absence of a qualified Plastic surgeon, the Plastic surgery
services were stopped almost.
Then in 2006 November, Dr. G Raveendra Reddy, (the present professor
&HoD) joined in the department as an Assistant professor with M.Ch Plastic
surgery qualification. With his efforts and perseverance, the department of Plastic
surgery re-opened one month later in the same year, in the hands of then
Superintendent Prof. Ramdas, M.D and Head of General Surgery department,
Prof. P V Ramasubba Reddy, M.S. in a small room with 6 beds in the first floor,
amidst of General surgery wards.
Dr. G Raveendra Reddy, was alone in the beginning and till he was joined by
Dr. R Babu Rao, (2008) the second assistant professor, two years later. The dictum
of ‘Two is always better than one’, they both together worked hard and attended

all the cases possible and made them successful within this short time of ten
years (till April 2017). Then, Dr. G Raveendra Reddy was promoted as associate
professor and transferred to Vijayawada, made the department cripple- once
again. Later, he was replaced by of Dr. S Sirisha, assistant professor from
Vijayawada, made the department to blooming back again. In 2021 December,
with promotion as Professor, Dr. G Raveendra Reddy, came back to department
of Plastic Surgery four years later and took the charge as Head of the Department.
He is the first professor to take over the reins of the department of Plastic surgery
as head, since its establishment in 1992.
At present, the department of Plastic surgery is having Dr. G Raveendra
Reddy, as professor and Head of the department and Dr. S. Sirisha, as assistant
professor. The second assistant professor post is waiting to be filled up.
we are successfully running our department in New-block ground floor
(SriKrishnadevaraya Block), with 20 beds, 14 male and 6 female beds, with
separate dressing room both for the In and Out patients. Our ward is quite clean
and having rooms for faculty separately. There is a well attached seminar room
cum library in the ward itself, and easily accessible to both the faculty and the
patients. Our library is having good collection of books though due to Covid we
are lagging to get new editions. We have established a separate studio for taking
pictures of patients, pre and post operatively for record keeping.
We have two out patient days (OPD), two operation theater days (OT) in a
week. Apart from two regular operation theater days, we are running a unique
operation theater day on Thursday for conducting local procedures. At present, in
last six months, we have operated 60 Major cases and 10 minor cases on an

average, in every month. The list of major procedures includes, cleft lip and
palate, rhinoplasty, gynecomastia (Male breast), facio-maxillary trauma including
Le fort fractures, flap cover for limb defects, tendon transfers, nerve repair, burn
contracture release, breast reconstruction and reduction, liposuction, hair
transplantation etc. similarly our minor cases include, scar revisions, benign
tumor excisions over face and other parts of body, implant removal, flap
debulking or flap revisions, Arterio venous fistulas (AV Fistulas), skin grafting, etc.
Our bed occupancy ratio is above average always at any point of time,
with almost more than 90% of overall patient satisfaction. Though we are not
immune to failures, however the % is very minimal with absolutely no mortality.
The department of plastic surgery is actively involved in conducting Andhra
Pradesh State government prestigious programme ‘YSR ArogyaSri’. In our total
cases, the % of YSR ArogyaSri enrollment is more than 90%.
We are actively involved in teaching post graduates, under graduates and
nursing students, as per the curriculum allotted to us.
We have conducted two workshops in 2007 &2008, on ‘Sural flap-for lower
limb defects’ and ‘Liposuction –tummy tuck’, consecutively with lot of
appreciation from the peer departments.


Photo Name Designation Teaching Experience Bio-data
course Raveendra Reddy Dr G Professor and HOD 18 Year's
course Dr.Gagannatham Swathi APMC NO: 70970 Year's
course Sirisha S Dr Assistant professor 5 Year's


